Friday 10 June 2011

Fort Charlotte & Fort Montagu, Bahamas

Fort Charlotte is the largest and most interesting of the three forts found in Nassau. Built in 1789 by Lord Dunmore and named in honor of the wife of King George III.

This fort has never fired a shot in Battle. It includes a water-less moat, draw-bridge, ramparts and dungeons.

Fort Charlotte commands a fine view of Nassau Harbor.

Fort Montagu Nassau Bahamas was finished the latter end July, 1742, and mounted eight 18, three 9, and six 6 pounders.

Within the fort is a terraced cistern, containing thirty tons,of ram water and so contrived as to receive all that falls within the fort, with a drain to carry off the superflous water; there are barracks for officers and soldiers, a guard room, and powder magazine, bomb proof, to contain ninety-five barrels of powder; two of its sides are close upon the sea, and the two land sides are well secured by mastich pallisades.

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